Dental Sedation & nervous patients
The nervous patient
There are a wide variety of patients of all ages who attend Avondale Dental Clinic. There are those patients who look forward to their appointments, like they look forward to meeting an old friend. Unfortunately, there is also a cohort of patients who dread visiting the dentist, some patients are so nervous they will only attend when they are in extreme pain. These patients are dental phobics. This is usually as a result of an uncomfortable or frightening dental experience as a child and it persists into adulthood. At Avondale Dental Clinic through a variety of techniques we hope to help the nervous or phobic dental patient through their dental journey without fear

The complex treatment
We often see patients at Avondale Dental Clinic who are happy with routine dental treatment such as restorations and cleanings. These patients may only become concerned about dental treatment if it is something more complex like a dental extraction or implant placement. This is a second group of patients who benefit from a sedation procedure. The sedation can make the procedure easier for both the patient and the operator dentist
What is conscious sedation?
Simple dental sedation is a carefully controlled technique in which a intravenous drug is used to reinforce hypnotic suggestion and reassurance in a way, which allows dental treatment to be performed with minimal psychological stress. Verbal communication with the patient is maintained at all times throughout the procedure. This called conscious sedation. Generally, the patient does not have a memory of the procedure. The patient’s vital signs are monitored throughout, and the patient is fully recovered before leaving the dental clinic.

What is conscious sedation
Simple dental sedation is a carefully controlled technique in which an intravenous drug is used to reinforce hypnotic suggestion and reassurance in a way, which allows dental treatment to be performed with minimal psychological stress. Verbal communication with the patient is maintained at all times throughout the procedure. This called conscious sedation. Generally, the patient does not have a memory of the procedure. The patient’s vital signs are monitored throughout, and the patient is fully recovered before leaving the dental clinic.
Assessment for sedation
We always endeavour to see nervous patients on time. We recommend you advise the reception staff that you have dental anxiety. We assess three elements during your assessments for a dental sedation
- The level of dental anxiety
- Your dental status – what dental work is required?
- Your medical status- do you have any conditions which might impact on a sedation procedure.?
During the assessment procedure we take our usual dental records, radiographs ( x-rays) and any other information about your dental health. This is so we can ascertain what dental work is required
Of importance is your medical status. We take a complete medical history. It is important that we know if you are any medication or if you have any illnesses or allergies. We check your vital signs such as blood pressure and pulse. The information is required so that we can safely provide you with dental sedation.
Information given to patient
Written information is provided regarding the procedure. A n escort must be with on the day of sedation and bring you home. It is very important you have someone to look after you until the next day after your treatment. You need to have something light to eat a few hours before your procedure, that you take your usual medications and that your escort will look after you. You will not be able to drive or operate machinery after your sedation.
Day of the procedure
Upon arrival at the clinic we will review the proposed dental treatment to be carried out under sedation. We ensure you understand the procedure and you are happy to proceed. We place a small cannula / needle in the arm or in the back of the hand and administer the sedative drug, midazolam, directly into your blood stream. We give the sedative drug in increments therefore we can ensure we provide you with the correct dose. The level of sedation allows any dental work to be carried out worry free Quite often patients have no memory of the dental procedure they have had carried out. Your vital signs are monitored throughout and recorded. Once the dental treatment is completed we retain you in the practice for at least an hour after completing the work or until we are satisfied you are recovered. Written post op instruction are provided to your escort and any other information that is required. The dental clinic will contact you the next day to ensure all is well.
Did you know
At Avondale Dental Clinic, we understand what it is like to be nervous and have a fear to go to the Dentist, this is why we have a range of methods to help you overcome your fear, and make your treatment as enjoyable as possible.
Percent of people rank Visiting the dentist the worst thing to make them nervous
Percent of us dreads a visit to the dentist
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