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Dental Veneers

What are dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, tailor-made shells/covers of tooth-coloured materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve its appearance.  Veneers are becoming more and more popular to improve the appearance of a smile, they are an excellent way to beautify teeth if there are chipped, broken, or worn down and need repairing.  Veneers can be colour matched to a patient’s existing teeth so that the effect is natural giving an aesthetically pleasing appearance to an otherwise tired out smile.

Why do you need Dental Veneers?

Teeth that might benefit from veneers may include the following conditions:

  • Discoloured teeth.
  • Worn down teeth.
  • Broken and/or chipped teeth.
  • Crooked, misaligned, or strangely shaped teeth. There may be bulges or other irregularities.
  • Gaps in teeth that would benefit from closing space in-between.

Dental Veneers

Each treatment we offer has its benefits and are more suitable for certain cases over others, it is important that you come in and speak to us so we can recommend the best treatment possible for you.

  • Making the choice to get dental veneers, usually, takes a few trips to the dentist’s office.
  • The veneers must be carefully constructed.
  • Treatment required might depend on how many veneers are ultimately needed.

Thinking about getting Veneers?

Treatment Process

  • Its important that you speak to us, and we can advise you on your treatment options and suitability, here we discuss your desired outcome of the treatment.
  • The dentist will perform a dental examination.  The dentist should also explain the process step by step so that the patient understands the benefits and limitations.
  • The exam may include x rays and dental impressions.
  • Firstly, the dentist will shave off about ½ mm of enamel from the patient’s tooth.  This is roughly the size of the intended veneer.
  • Next, the impression of the tooth will be made, and then sent to a laboratory, where the veneers are custom made for your mouth.  This process can take a few to several weeks depending on how many veneers are ordered.
  • There is a possibility that temporary veneers can be placed on the tooth or teeth if it is uncomfortable or unattractive to the eye.
  • Finally, the dentist will fit the veneer to the tooth, and make sure it is the right match and color.
  • The bonding process, or cementation, will happen next.  A curing light will then be used to affix the cement or bond the veneer.
  • The dentist will finally remove any extra materials, and polish the tooth or teeth.

Benefits to Teeth Veneers?

There are many benefits to getting dental veneers.  The teeth that are damaged can look like new again, and the patient will experience a brighter, cleaner-looking smile.

After Effects

Negative or unwanted side effects are very rare, though they can include the following:

  • The veneers may have subtle irregularities in colour.
  • There may be minor placement issues with the veneers, though this can normally be corrected.
  • The patient may experience sensitivity after receiving veneers.
  • Veneer damage may occur if the patient is a grinder, nail-biter, heavy smoker or drinker.

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for dental veneers, and the choice should be made after discussing the pros and cons with a qualified cosmetic dentist.

Did you know

Avoid cheap homemade kits for tooth whitening, these can be dangerous and cause permanent harm to your teeth

It only takes 7 seconds to make a first impression. According to independent research, a whiter smile has a substantially positive effect on peoples’ first impressions of you.

96 %
Percent of adults believe an attractive smile makes a person more attractive to the people of the opposite gender

(Crown Council, an Association of Independent Dental Practices)

Contact us Today!

If you are looking for more information regarding getting dental veneers, then simply fill in the form below, and we will contact you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can call us on 01 2014180